An enormous marketing budget doesn’t necessarily translate to large sales. It’s effective marketing that generates large amount of sales. As a small business owner, it’s erroneous to think that until you have a huge advertising or marketing budget, that’s when more sales will flow. Wrong! Doing the right thing for your small business is what matters.
For some months now, I have taken time to study resources on small business and the marketing tools and strategies available to them (without really having to deep your hands too far into the savings). I have applied these principles to my consulting work and it’s working!
Bulk SMS is one of the most effective, yet cheap marketing tool available to a business. Though the use of direct mail and other forms of direct marketing are still in use, SMS marketing has taken the centre stage. Companies now make use of this strategy to inform, educate, advice and promote their products and services to target audience, customers or clients.
A well drafted and targeted SMS campaign is able to bring you new businesses, clients, or repeated calls from prospects.
A targeted list of recipients’ number can be more effective than mass marketing. However, you may find new prospects from your mass marketing effort.
Make sure you use a sender ID known by your audience, or at least be consistent in the case of a first time. Your sender ID is the name that appears above the message when a recipient receives your message. Your sender ID may be the name of your business or web site, but it must not be more than 11 characters (including space).
Avoid ambiguity. Be direct when drafting your ad copy.
Make your 160 character message worth reading by always giving the reader useful information.
The ad should promise the reader some benefit that will accrue from accepting the ad’s premises.
The ad should be persuasive enough to make the reader call you.
Put a contact information in the body of the message; for example, your phone or e-mail address.
What action do you want from your audience? Is it to call, email, or just visit your site? Or probably you just want to give an information.
Don’t merge several ads in one campaign. Make sure to send different messages for different products or services.
Don’t bombard your recipients with a lot of sales messages, otherwise they will lose interest in whatever you have to say.